1766 English cricket season

The 1766 English cricket season is a season about which little is known.

On Thurs 6 February, Robert Bartholomew died [1]. He had played for Surrey in the 1750s and may have been related to the Bartholomews who played for Chertsey in the 1770s. He was the master of the Angel Inn at Islington and also of White Conduit House.

Perhaps another nail in the coffin of the Artillery Ground when its latest keeper Mr Read died on Thurs 25 September [1]. Like George Smith before him, he was also the landlord of the Pyed Horse Inn.



Date Match Title Venue Result
c.19 June (Th) Sussex v Hampshire [2] venue unknown Hampshire won

This is the earliest reference to Hampshire as an individual county team. Whether the Hambledon Club was involved is unrecorded. Some historians believe it was at about this time that the club, as distinct from a parish organisation, was founded. After the first innings the odds were 40 to 1 against Hampshire.

Another source has recorded Tues 17 June as the date and has surmised that Goodwood was the venue but all that can be said for certain is that the Hampshire team won [3].

29 September (M) Bourne v Dartford [4] Bishopsbourne Paddock result unknown

No details are known of the game apart from a mention in the Kentish Weekly Post.

8 October (W) Chertsey v Hambledon [4] Dartford Brent result unknown

The choice of Dartford Brent as the venue for the Chertsey v Hambledon match seems strange as it was neutral.


  1. ^ a b G B Buckley, Fresh Light on Pre-Victorian Cricket, Cotterell, 1937
  2. ^ H T Waghorn, Cricket Scores, Notes, etc. (1730-1773), Blackwood, 1899
  3. ^ Ashley Mote, The Glory Days of Cricket, Robson, 1997
  4. ^ a b Cricket Quarterly edited by Rowland Bowen

External sources

Further reading